Tattoos are no longer forever! Decorative tattooing can be traced back thousands of years and so can the desire to remove them. Today, more than half of us who have tattoos regret having them, and may wish to have one or more of them removed.

What looks good when first applied may have become less desirable 10 or 20 years later. Tattoos may present barriers to employment or social acceptance, and as their colours and definition fade, and as the skin loses its youthful elasticity many tattoos become defacements rather than decoration.

how does q-switch tattoo removal work?

Q-Switch Nd:YAG Laser delivers light quickly (in billionths of a second) at very high energy. These pulses are absorbed by the tattoo pigment breaking it into micro-particles small enough to be easily removed by the body’s natural process.

Is it safe?

Q-Switch Laser technology is the ‘Gold Standard’ offering highest performance efficiency with low risk and little chance of side effects.

What kind of tattoo can be treated?

Q-Switch Laser can remove all kinds and types of tattoo with little or no scarring. Professional, amateur and cosmetic tattoo, and also trauma tattoos resulting from accidents are easily and successfully treated with minimum discomfort.

I wanted my old tattoo gone but was reluctant to try laser as I heard it was very painful! I have now had 6 treatments and am well on my way to saying goodbye to that tattoo forever. The best part is that it is no where near as painful as I thought. I highly recommend ALTC - very professional.
— Matt.C - Cairns


Q-Switch Laser due to its multi wavelength options (switch-ability) is able to successfully treat all tattoo colours successfully.


Most people tolerate Q-Switch Laser very well as the minor discomfort that may be experienced during treatment is a mere fraction of having the same tattoo applied. The majority of clients require no anaesthesia, though topical anaesthesia is an option for sensitive areas.


The appropriate number of treatments will be determined by a number of factors including tattoo type, location, number of colours, application method, and client’s age and skin type.